Monthly Archives: November 2012

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Funyuns and Family | Arlington Family Photographer

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80 is definitely the new 60. I had the privilege of photographing Ray alongside his family during the surprise 80th birthday bash thrown in his honor last month.  Two cool facts about Ray:Ray worked as a scientist at Frito Lay in the late 60’s when he invented, Funyuns.  He still has the...

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The Pink Zebra + A Ferocious Tiger | Arlington TX Family Photographer

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It has finally cooled off in north central Texas and the extreme summer heat is all but a distant memory (just stick around). The leaves are changing and falling and the crisp air makes it an ideal time to get outside.  It’s the perfect time to grab everyone and head...

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The Laugh | Arlington TX Family Photographer

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“A day without laughter is a day wasted.”- Charlie Chaplin. Three year-old Branch made my job as a family photographer super easy. Seriously–you can’t fake laughter like that!  And he brought it the whole time. I grew up with Branch’s mom, so it was fun to reunite and spend some...

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Feeding the Giraffes | Arlington TX Senior Photographer

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Have you ever had lunch with a giraffe?  The Dallas Zoo offers a very up close and personal experience with these amazing animals.  Five bucks gets you some juicy lettuce leaves and all but guarantees a pleasant visit from a friendly neighborhood giraffe.   Martin High School senior, Larissa, has an...

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Homecoming Hangout | Fort Worth Event Photographer

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There’s nothing quite like the energy of high school students before a school dance.  This was my second year to photograph this group of young friends.  A little older and wiser since last year, these sophomores and juniors are an easy-going group of long-time friends (with a few new ones)....