Bishop Lynch HS Senior Portraits | Klyde Warren Park

Bishop Lynch HS Senior Portraits

Klyde Warren Park was the location for Frank’s senior portrait session.

Klyde Warren Park is a park located in Downtown Dallas.  One unique thing about this park is it sits over Woodall Rodgers Freeway.  It’s sprawling (for a city park) and offers a big variety of cool features that work well for senior photography or family portraits.

Frank was easy-going.  He’d played football and soccer at school but just wanted to shoot senior portraits in more of a traditional setting.  We strolled a few areas of the park that I was familiar with and came up with a few different scenes to highlight Frank’s personality and style.

It’s not too late to slip in a senior portrait session for the class of 2015.  It’s also not to early to begin thinking about your senior portraits for the class of 2016!  Book your session now!

Check out a few of the images we created for Frank’s Bishop Lynch HS Senior Portraits…

Congrats to Frank and the senior class of 2015!







Check out more Bishop Lynch HS Senior Portraits and our other high schools

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