On the Courthouse Steps | Arlington TX Campaign Headshots Photographer


It’s critically important to help people associate a face with a name in any campaign.  Political Campaign headshots have the visual power to help candidates personally connect with a community.

William Nolen is an Arlington, TX attorney currently running for Tarrant County Justice of the Peace Precinct 2.  William was interested in political campaign headshots to use for his various social networking sites, online presence, posters and campaign mailers.

We chose our location on the historical steps and yard of the Tarrant County Courthouse in Downtown Fort Worth, TX to create a variety of scenes to help William connect with his constituency on a more personal level.

Here are just a few examples…

Let us help you connect in your next campaign with professional headshots.

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Be Creative. | Mansfield TX Family Photographer

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Sometimes planning family portraits requires a bit of creativity when it comes to kids…

A 60-minute family portrait session can be challenging for many younger children and even slightly frustrating at times for a child of any age.  It’s tough to sit still, smile and wear dressy clothes for an hour (even for me!).

In the case of our featured family, Mom needed a little incentive for her boys on portrait day so she suggested a sports theme to help create some excitement for them.  It’s hard not to have fun in your baseball uniform shooting baseball card poses and chatting about your favorite Texas Ranger.  That’ll beat a boring one hour smile-fest any day.

This made the rest of the session a breeze as big sister and Mom stepped in with the guys for a more dressy/casual look with the whole family.

mansfield-tx-family-photographer 112 mansfield-TX-family-photographer 398 Here are a few tips from my experience plus our brilliant mom to help you have a successful family portrait session before you even leave the house!

  • Be okay with funny pics that portray your family as they really are.  What else would you want?
  • Let kids dress comfortably.  There’s nothing worse than wearing an unfamiliar dress shirt with a funny hairstyle you aren’t used to.
  • Keep it casual.  Kick off the shoes if needed!
  • Highlight your kids’ personalities and interests.  Allow for some shots in a sports uniform, a princess dress or even a Superman cape (or Batman if you prefer).  Bring on the light sabers and tea parties or even the family Chihuahua.  I can handle it.

Let’s just get some beautiful shots of you all being yourselves.  Somewhere in there we’ll capture the perfect smiles, hair and posture.  But I bet it’s the shot of your son wearing hulk fists or the whole family in NFL  jerseys that will make you smile…today and twenty years from now. Check out the beautiful Campbell Family doing their thing at Town Park in Mansfield, TX!

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