Homecoming Hangout | Fort Worth Event Photographer

There’s nothing quite like the energy of high school students before a school dance.  This was my second year to photograph this group of young friends.  A little older and wiser since last year, these sophomores and juniors are an easy-going group of long-time friends (with a few new ones).  Some sweethearts, some just pals.  Many have know each other since elementary school.  Each year they get together before the high school homecoming dance to hang out, eat and have fun. A team of dedicated parents help make the evening a safe and memorable experience.

This year the drizzly rain forced us inside for the most part.  Head mom and host, Hao, did an awesome job setting up an arrangement of creative props for us in the living room of her historic Fort Worth home.  Great kids, light-hearted fun and memorable photographs!

The non-stop rain was not a deterrent to this special evening.  After a photo finale on the front porch, they were soon off together in various vehicles headed for the Paschal High School Homecoming Dance.  

Check out a few images from the evening…and don’t miss our video at the end!

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