Dallas Headshot Photographer | Author Logen Cure

Dallas Headshot Photographer

Logen Cure is a local author and poet.  We recently helped Logen create headshots for her various social media profiles and banners as well as the cover of her upcoming poetry project.

Our clients have a variety of headshot needs so we always try to shoot in a way that reflects those needs and considers their wants and style.

Attorney headshots may require a different look than the musician, the candidate or the chiropractor.  Each are trying to create a distinct impression for their own clients or fans.

Your industry may be better suited with a more formal headshot on a solid background.  Maybe you like the look of outdoor headshots or an environmental headshot from your workplace.

Let us help create something unique for your headshot if you’re creating or updating your brand, website or social media presence.

Here’s a few images from Logen’s session…

Visit my website for more Dallas Headshot Photographer images




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